School of Science
Department of Physics
18107 Theory and Applications of Microwaves
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Course Content
- Brief description: a) Maxwell's equations in differential form and boundary conditions, b) solutions of the wave equation in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinate systems.
- Wave propagation in rectangular and circular cross-section waveguides, field distributions, power flow, ohmic losses, dominant mode characteristics.
- Cavities of rectangular cross-section and quality factor.
- Electric equivalent of transmission lines with/without losses, normalized impedance, reflection coefficient, voltage standing wave ratio, matching, Smith chart.
- Scattering parameters and properties of multi-port microwave devices.
- Microwave components: isolator, attenuator, termination load, matching screws, directional coupler, standing wave meter, magic-T, frequency meter. Measurement of frequency and wavelength. Measurement of the reflection and transmission coefficients of the scattering matrix.
- Interaction of electron beam and electromagnetic fields.
- Microwave Oscillators and Amplifiers: a) vacuum tubes (klystron, magnetron, gyrotron, travelling wave tube), b) solid-state devices (Gunn, IMPATT, Varactor, PIN).
- Laboratory: Use of CST Microwave Studio and COMSOL for the study of microwave devices.