School of Science
Department of Physics
18103 Thermodynamics of Lattice Defects
Course Content
- Introduction: Thermodynamic functions. Equilibrium conditions. Dependence of the thermodynamic functions on temperature and pressure in solids.
- Isobaric perfect crystal: Lattice vacancy formation. Parameters from the comparison of the real crystal with the isobaric perfect crystal.
- Isochoric perfect crystal: Lattice vacancy formation. Parameters from the comparison of the real crystal with the isochoric perfect crystal.
- Calculation of the isochoric and isobaric thermodynamic parameters: Relation between isochoric and isobaric thermodynamic parameters.
- Thermodynamic of the specific heat: Contribution of lattice vacancies in the specific heat.
- Self-difussion: Temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient. Analysis of isothermal lnD versus pressure.
- The cBΩ model: Relation between defect entropy and enthalpy according to the cBΩ model. Relation between the activation volume (migration or activation) with the Gibbs energy through the cBΩ model. Explanation of the empirical laws. Theoretical explanation of the cBΩ model.