School of Science
Department of Physics
18104 Spectroscopic Methods for Materials Characterization
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Course Content
- Introduction to spectroscopy: Light-matter interaction. Transition probabilities, dipolar transitions, selection rules. Review of experimental spectroscopic methods.
- Introduction to vibrational spectroscopy – Theory: Normal vibration modes of molecules and crystals. Infrared absorption (IR). Raman scattering. Classical and quantum mechanical treatment. Selection rules, Raman-IR active modes of vibration. Symmetry-polarization properties. Resonance Raman effect. Experimental techniques-instrumentation. Applications of vibrational spectroscopy.
- Laboratory exercise: Comparative study of vibrational Raman-IR spectra for molecular compounds, carbon nanotubes, metal oxides, high-Tc superconductors and point defects in semiconductors by using of FT-IR and Raman spectrometers.
- Introduction to dielectric spectroscopy – Theory: Polarization. Dielectric relaxation and molecular dynamics. Debye theory. Dipolar correlations. Mesoscopic phases, conductivity. Disorder, non-equilibrium systems, glass transition, percolation networks and phase transitions. Experimental methods of dielectric spectroscopy in the frequency and time regime. Time Domain Dielectric Spectroscopy (TDDS), Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Currents (TSDC). Experimental techniques-instrumentation. Applications of dielectric spectroscopy.
- Laboratory exercise: Broadband dielectric spectroscopy (DBS) measurements on polymers, organic semiconductors, nanocomposite materials and confined water under isothermal and isostatic conditions, by the combined application of liquid helium or liquid nitrogen cryostats or hydrostatic pressure cell system. Experimental results analysis and determination of microscopic parameters.