School of Science
Department of Physics
18202 Experimental methods in Physics
Course Webpage:
Course Content
- Introduction on particle detection. Interaction of charged particles and radiation with matter. Motion of electrons and ions in gases.
- Ionization measurements and measurement of particle position: Multiwire Proportional chambers (MWPC), Drift Chambers (DC), Time Projection Chambers (TPC).
- Measurement of time: Photomultiplier tubes, Scintillators and other types of photon detectors.
- Particle Identification: dE/dx measurement, Time-of-flight (TOF) detectors, Transition Radiation detectors (TRD), Cherenkov (threshold and ring) Radiation detectors. Comparison of methods for charged particle identification
- Measurement of energy: Development and properties of particle showers, Electromagnetic calorimeters, Hadronic calorimeters. Identification of particles with calorimeters.
- Muon detection: Measurement of momentum with magnets and muon chambers
- Applications of detector systems : examples where the above detectors are combined.