Students should visit the website and select "Αίτηση Νέου Λογαριασμού" → "Προπτυχιακοί Φοιτητές".
Τhe registration process requires the following information:
The full university ID (this is a 13 digit number consisting of the Department’s code, the year of admission and a 5-digit individual identification number.
The number of the identity card or passport that was declared during the registration process to the system of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (please note that the ID number must be entered without spaces and in Greek capital letters, and the passport in Latin capital letters).
Upon admission into the NKUA information technology system, students must provide their names using Greek and Latin characters. The full precise name appearing in the corresponding national ID/passport document, and not a diminutive, must be provided. Upon the correct completion and submission of this information, students are notified of the protocol number of their application, as well as a PIN number that is necessary for the activation of their account.
The data provided in the application are checked and subsequently accepted by the Secretariat of the Department during working hours. The progression of the application can be monitored through the link "Ενεργοποίηση Λογαριασμού (PIN)" on the URL Once the application is approved, students are asked to supply an initial code and are subsequently notified of the username assigned to them in the NKUA online services system.