School of Science
Department of Physics
10ΕΛΕ61 History of Physical Sciences
Course webpage:
Course outline
Course content
- Introduction to history and philosophy of physical science. The physical sciences and society. The physical sciences and philosophy.
- Physics in the late 19th century. The Newtonian heritage. New discoveries (X-rays, electrons, radioactivity, blackbody radiation) and the end of classical physics.
- The revolutions in early 20th century physics. Einstein and relativity. Quantum mechanics and the Weimar Republic. The interpretation of quantum theory.
- The emergence of big physics. The Manhattan Project for the making of the atomic bomb. The founding of big laboratories (Brookhaven, CERN, Dubna, Fermilab, etc.).
- Physics after World War II. The role of the Cold War. Reductionism and emergent phenomena: from elementary particle physics to solid state physics.
- Contemporary concerns. The problem of pseudoscience: from Velikosvky to climate change. The relationship between theory and experiment: the case of string theory. Ethical issues in scientific research: from Millikan to cold fusion.