School of Science
Department of Physics
10ΕΚ502 Physics of Molecules and Nanomaterials
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Course outline
Course content
- Electronic structure of molecules. The hydrogen molecular ion: Method of linear combination of atomic orbitals. The hydrogen molecule: Molecular orbitals-valence bond method.
- Diatomic molecules: Homonuclear-heteronuclear. Polyatomic molecules. Delocalization. Hybridization.
- Nuclear motion of a diatomic molecule. Rotation. Vibration. Vibration-rotation. Molecular spectra. Raman effect. Electronic transitions: Franck-Condon principle.
- Tight binding method with many orbitals/unit cell. Electronic structure of polyacetylene. Graphene: π and σ energy bands, dispersion relation.
- Carbon nanotubes: Electronic structure (band folding, metallicity condition). Density of states. Energy transitions. Size effects.
- Imaging methods for nanomaterials: Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM).